OPR Announces Return to Kayak Island
With funding support from NOAA, OPR will return to Kayak Island in 2025. Our top priority is to clean up and collect monitoring data on 6.8 miles of coastline addressed in 2024, then continue cleanup efforts to cover as much additional coastline as possible during the 27-day project.
OPR is now hiring for this year's effort, spanning June 23 to July 19. Crews will serve two-week hitches and be based at a decommissioned lighthouse facility at Cape St. Elias, with one of Alaska's most stunning landscapes as a backdrop.

Student Interns Open OPR’s Innovation Center
This summer, OPR hosted its second cohort of interns, this time to open our Innovation Center in Kodiak.

Guest Blog: Expedition Two, Southeast Alaska
A student’s account of the July 2023 marine debris expedition hosted by Ocean Plastics Recovery Project.

The Role of +Nature in the Emerging Nature Market
OPR Co-Founder speaks before the UN World Tourism Organization on April 9, 2022 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

ITN Marine Debris: Sorting & Sample Preparation
A team from Oregon State University helping Scott Farling sort marine debris.

2020 Annual Report
OPR Co-Founder Andy Schroeder on approach to Afognak Island, September 17, 2020.